Monday 16 November 2009

Personal E-Chef Cooking Secrets - Gadgets You Do Not Need For Cooking Great Food and Drink

Your personal e chef for cooking great food and drink, has
the top five kitchen gadgets that you should not buy.
There are many kitchen gadgets that are extremely
useful. Can openers, spatulas, tongs and graters make
cooking and baking easier. However, there are many items.
several with only one use, that are not worth the money.
Here are five items that you should not buy.

1. Avocado peelers are a complete waste of money. These
objects are supposed to slice an avocado evenly as well
as remove the fruit from the peel. Although, in theory,
this seems like a useful tool, specially in California
where avocados are as popular as apples, but it failed
to do what it says it does. The biggest design flaw
of this gadget is that avocados come in limitless sizes
and this gadget does not work with avocados that are
smaller than the gadget. I say use a knife to cut
slices and a spoon to scrape out the fruit.

2. The mango splitter slicer is another single use
product that does not work. This gadget is suppose
to split the mango in half and separate the fruit
from the pit. Again, because of the varying size of the
fruit, this tool does not consistently work. Also, if
you happen to remove the peel before you use the slicer,
the mango is so slippery that you can cut your hand trying
to steady the fruit.

3. Adjustable measuring spoons are ridiculous. The plastic
piece that makes the spoon adjustable often adjusts itself
to a different measurement mid-measure. Also, they can not
be cleaned easy and the plastic adjustable piece is so small
that it can get caught in the garbage disposal. The worst
part of the design is that the slide gets in the way of taking
the back edge of a knife across the top of the spoon to
ensure accurate measurement. Long live the graduated
measuring spoons!

4. The adjustable measuring cup or Wonder Cup is really
only useful for four things: shortening, peanut butter,
syrup and honey. The manufacturer advises use of this product
for liquids or dry measure which is completely crazy.
The plunger gets caught and the plastic cracks if it is
put in the dishwasher. And after measuring sticky and fat
type products, you would want to wash it in the dishwasher
to get it clean. Do not waste your money. If you spray
your measuring cup with a non-stick spray, the contents
will pour easily and completely.

5. The egg cooker is another ridiculous kitchen machine.
This thing is supposed to cook eggs either whole or on a
small tray. I am not sure why you have to spend money
on a machine that only does one thing. If you have either
a fry pan and/or small pot for water to boil eggs, you are
good to go.

And stock up your kitchen with useful items that will help make
cooking easier.

And I would like to offer you a free 11-page list of the gadgets and machines I use in my kitchen. This comprehensive list not only has 53 items I use almost daily, but tells you where to get them and even offers discounts on many of the products. Simply go to my website and sign up for my cooking newsletter and I will email you this incredible list.

Dawn Walker
Your Personal E-Chef Live: Everything about Cooking, Food, and Family. Bring back dinner parties!

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